Causes and treatment of psoriasis of the head

Psoriasis causes many problems in the form of discomfort and aesthetic problems, and its localization on the head further complicates treatment. The risk of the disease also lies in the development of fungal infections. How to treat psoriasis and what are its symptoms?

Causes of head psoriasis

Psoriasis on the head

To date, there is no clear answer as to what causes psoriasis to appear on the head. Experts put forward a number of theories about the development of the disease:

  1. Violation of metabolic processes in the background of which the cell life cycle is reduced from 40 days to 5 days. Therefore, there is stratification of dead tissue on the plaques.
  2. genetic predisposition. If one parent has an illness in the family, the probability of developing psoriasis in one child is 25%, and if both parents are 75%.
  3. Dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Hormonal disorders are often the cause of dermatological diseases.
  4. Autoimmune processes in which the immune system recognizes epidermal cells as a foreign object.

Head psoriasis can be aggravated by the following factors:

  • stressful conditions;
  • irrational nutrition;
  • lives in a poor ecological zone;
  • smoking;
  • drink alcohol.

All experts are absolutely sure of one thing - the disease occurs for a number of reasons, and eliminating them is the first step toward remission.

Psoriasis of the scalp

One of the complex forms of the disease is scalp psoriasis. This is due to the fact that the treatment process is difficult due to the hairs, and the symptoms in the first stage of the disease are reminiscent of simple dandruff.


Scalp psoriasis is characterized by symptoms similar to those of a disease localized in other parts of the body. The following manifestations of the disease can be distinguished:

  1. Single rashes or extensive plaques accumulate on the surface of the skin.
  2. There is sebum on the surface of the lesions, which gives the rash a yellow tinge. Dead cells start to form tubers when mixed with fat.
  3. Dandruff-like scales accumulate on the hair.
  4. The course of the disease is accompanied by severe itching.
  5. In children, redness of the epidermis of the head is observed, which later begins to get wet.

Because the lesions are located on the surface of the skin, the disease does not reach the hair follicles, so there is no disturbance in hair growth, and their loss remains at a normal level. The photo shows what psoriasis looks like localized on the scalp.

Psoriasis of the scalp


Psoriasis of the scalp can have unpleasant consequences:

  1. Illness causes not so much discomfort as it causes mental discomfort. The patient can often experience deep depression.
  2. Due to the constant itching and scratching, the disease constantly causes the patient to feel pain.
  3. The erythrodermic form of psoriasis affects the hair follicles, which can then lead to baldness.

Therefore, psoriasis of the head should be treated in a timely manner.

Important! Psoriasis from the scalp can spread to the face, neck and shoulders.

Characteristics of treatment

Just a detailed examination and a lab test will tell you how to cure psoriasis on your head. The disease itself cannot go away, and complex therapies are needed to combat it, involving both traditional and alternative medicine. In addition, scalp psoriasis should be treated with physiotherapy. Only in this case can the therapy be successful.

Shampoos against psoriasis

Wash the scalp with psoriasis with medicated shampoo

When treating psoriasis, the scalp requires special care, which does not allow the use of traditional cosmetic shampoos. Hair washing should be selected taking into account the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

We can distinguish the main types of shampoos:

  1. Tar. They contain birch or juniper tar, which relieves the symptoms of the disease in the form of burns and is also effective in combating excessive peeling.
  2. Antifungal. It aims to kill a pathogenic fungal infection. In addition, the drug soothes irritated epidermis.
  3. Medical. This shampoo category contains ingredients such as zinc or salicylic acid. The products have active moisturizing properties.

All of these tools should be used as directed.


Sprays are often used to treat psoriasis of the scalp. This is most convenient because when spraying, the drug leaves no dirt on the hair, evenly irrigating the entire surface of the skin with a solution. The most popular lotions are:

  1. A steroid drug that also contains salicylic acid. The device disinfects the skin well and relieves itching effectively and quickly. The duration of therapy is 3 weeks.
  2. Spray containing only natural herbal extracts. Its use is recommended to prolong remission. The drug hydrates the dermis well and eliminates itchy feelings.
  3. It is a non-hormonal solution containing zinc oxide. The component stops inflammatory processes well and fights fungal infections effectively.

Sprays can be applied to other parts of the body, but after consultation with a professional. It is not necessary to wash the medicine after use.

Folk remedies

Recipes for alternative medicine are quite popular in anti-psoriasis therapy. They are completely natural and do not harm the patient. In addition, these funds do not cause damage to your wallet. The following most effective recipes can be identified:

  1. Soda bath. Pour a full packet of baking soda into the bath. Lie down with your head set back in the water so that the solution covers your head all the way to your forehead. It is recommended to cover the ears with earplugs. The procedure takes 30 minutes.
  2. It is also recommended to wash your hair regularly with tar or sulfur soap. To do this, the product is grated on a fine grater and dissolved in a small amount of water. Use as a regular shampoo.
  3. salicylic oil. It is a very effective treatment for acne. All you have to do is wet a cotton swab in the material and lubricate the partitions. Seven separations must be processed.

Many patients do not trust folk remedies, but some may be more effective than even the most expensive pharmacy drugs.

Advice! Care must be taken to avoid recipes that contain essential oils, burning and irritating substances.

Psoriasis of the scalp

Psoriasis outbreaks on the head behind the ears

Scalp psoriasis is localized in the following areas:

  • behind the ears;
  • at the back of the head;
  • on the mucous membranes;
  • near the upper arches;
  • on the cheeks.

The rash is especially noticeable on the face as it cannot be hidden with a cloth. However, the use of masking cosmetics is strictly prohibited.


The disease manifests itself as follows:

  1. Light spots appear on the face first.
  2. Then small dots appear in the middle that grow quickly and turn into papules.
  3. These formations are soon covered with a thick layer of dead cells.

The rash is accompanied by severe itching. In the photo you can see what psoriasis looks like on your head.

Psoriasis plaque behind the ear


Skin disease can have unpleasant consequences:

  1. When combing the papules, scratches and wounds occur, which can become a source of infection.
  2. The localization of the rash on the eyelid is the cause of the pathology of the eyeball.
  3. Psoriasis can cause inflammation in the joints and liver.

In order to prevent the development of concomitant diseases, treatment should be performed in a timely manner.

Characteristics of therapy

The skin of the face is quite sensitive, so the task of the patient is not only to get rid of the disease, but also to maintain its external attraction. Dermatologist gives advice on how to cure psoriasis on the head.


Ointment for psoriasis on the head is the most common cure for the disease. There are two types of funds for local use:

  1. Hormonal ointments. They contain glucocorticosteroids, which quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease and are therefore often used during exacerbations.
  2. Non-steroidal ointments. These products contain plant ingredients and one or two active ingredients, such as zinc oxide or ichthyol. They have a milder effect on the body, so they can be used for a long time.

When choosing an ointment, the severity of the course of the disease should be compared with the strength of the treatment.

Folk remedies

The following are the most effective recipes:

  1. Fatty solidol and birch tar should be mixed in equal proportions. Apply the mass to the injuries for 20 minutes. Then rinse and moisturize the skin with cream.
  2. You can also use sea buckthorn oil, apply it to the plaques before going to bed. The device disinfects and heals wounds well.

We recommend that you take decoctions from medical collections.

General principles of therapy

Because the disease requires a complex effect, there is little topical treatment. Psoriasis should be completely eradicated by all available means.

Medical therapy

The following groups of medicines are used to treat psoriasis:

  • antihistamines;
  • immunosuppressive agents;
  • enterosorbents;
  • antibiotics;
  • homeopathy.

Usually, several groups of drugs are prescribed at the same time, depending on the severity of the disease and the clinical picture.

Important! You cannot prescribe medication on your own, first consult a dermatologist.


Physiotherapy is an integral part of the fight against the disease. The following procedures can be distinguished:

  • phototherapy;
  • laser exposure;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • ultrasonic effect;
  • sludge treatment.

Usually, such methods are prescribed during the rest period of the disease, which helps to prolong remission.


Healthy Foods High In Protein And Fiber In A Scalp Psoriasis Diet

It has been shown that some products can not only aggravate the disease but also worsen the symptoms. Therefore, it is advisable to follow a diet that restricts the use of the following foods:

  • conserve;
  • fatty food;
  • fast food;
  • alcoholic products;
  • coffee;
  • red fruits and vegetables;
  • confectionery.

Preference should be given to foods high in protein and rich in fiber, steamed or baked in foil.

Despite the complexity of the course of the disease, head psoriasis is not a sentence. All that is required is strict adherence to complex therapy, and the disease does not feel long.